Very cute eehorn coloring for kids

Eenhorn, originally known as a unicorn, is a fictional creature found only in European mythology and culture. Unicorns are known for their horse or goat-like appearance. This is a white animal with a long, spiral-shaped horn on the center of its forehead, or possibly two wings for flight. 

– Eenhorn is also described by many people as having a wild, free life. Therefore, there are many wonderful stories woven around it. Parents can let their children discover and learn about this fascinating creature through a set of unicorn coloring pages, which is also a good idea.

– In cartoon coloring pictures, Eenhorn usually has the most commonly known shape that looks like a white horse with a horn growing right on its forehead. However, in the unicorn tradition, the unicorn is also known for its goat-like beard, lion-like tail, and especially its hooves cut like a cow. This unicorn is very gentle and is considered a symbol of luck, although it has horns, it has never butted anyone.

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