What are people searching for on Google every day?

Do you have any idea what people look for on Google every day? What do they seek out in terms of culture, people, and celebrities? You might believe they’ll find the same thing in your head as you, but they’ll be surprised by a lot of things. To get all of your questions answered, play Google Feud.

Choose one of four categories to begin the game: Culture, People, Name, or Question. Google Feud provides the first half of a search query for that category, and it’s up to you to fill in the rest. The answer isn’t the most accurate, but it’s the most frequently requested.

Instead of doing your own thing and deciding what makes sense, think about what other Google users are likely to find.

Take your time to search Google for what people are looking for. It’s still a nice game to play with friends despite the lack of a built-in multiplayer option. So call a friend or family member and invite them to play Google Feud with you!

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