Why would a psychiatrist prescribe modafinil?

 darcy miller 
Účastník (Participant)

A psychiatrist may prescribe modafinil for off-label and on-label purposes. Due to its wakefulness-promoting qualities, modafinil is used to treat sleep disorders such narcolepsy, OSA, and shift work sleep disorder. Off-label, psychiatrists may prescribe modafinil modalert to treat ADHD, depression, and medical weariness.

Some ADHD individuals can enhance concentration and reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity with modafinil. Modafinil can reduce fatigue and improve cognition in depression, especially treatment-resistant depression. Modafinil may also enhance quality of life for people with daytime sleepiness or cognitive exhaustion, such as multiple sclerosis.

However, off-label usage are usually considered when established medicines fail or create unbearable adverse effects and require medical supervision.

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