How much of the Philippines ' food is imported?

 Tradeimex Solution 
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The Philippines imports a significant portion of its food. In recent years, the country has been increasing its dependence on food imports to meet the growing demand of its population. According to the Philippines import data The exact percentage of imported food in the Philippines’ total food consumption may vary depending on factors such as the specific food category and the year of reference. However, according to reports, it is estimated that around 20-25% of the Philippines’ total food supply is imported.
Imported food items in the Philippines include a wide range of products such as grains, meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and processed foods. The country relies on imports to supplement domestic production and ensure a stable food supply, especially for items that are not locally produced in sufficient quantities or are in high demand.
It’s worth noting that the Philippines has been implementing various measures to boost domestic food production and reduce its reliance on imports. These measures include promoting agricultural development, providing support to farmers, improving infrastructure, and implementing policies to enhance food security.

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