MMOexp Diablo 4: It featured an auction

 Heulwen Lucas 
Účastník (Participant)

If you purchase legendary crests, you’re not purchasing a game of the dice, as the case with the Diablo 4 Gold Ultimate Team card pack, say. You are buying the chance to fill the dice with dice, to get into the game engine and tweak the drop rates (slightly) to your liking. Gaming mechanics are addicting and are not isolated from the addictive gameplay mechanics. They are instead tied directly into combat and loot drops inside the game. Diablo is incredibly well-placed to make this happen. As my coworker Maddy Myers pointed out, these games that focus on loot have always been characterized as slot machines that Diablo Immortal’s business strategy makes sense.

Blizzard has taken pains to point out that the monetization of Immortal can be ignored up to the point of the game’s final, which is true, and they claim that the majority of players are enjoying playing the game without spending even a cent, which is plausible. However, it’s not true that the most enjoyable part of Diablo is playing through the story rather than maximizing the power of your character. It’s also untrue to say that these games have always been designed to stimulate an urge to reach the power limit in the players. For those with a tendency towards gambling addiction, towards the addictive nature of Diablo’s item game -and, even more so, both — the crest system has been deemed to be extremely harmful and can be very exploitative.

There was a time when we were here or, if you’re lucky, somewhere similar. When Diablo 3 was launched in 2012, it featured an auction house that was real money where players could purchase and sell their drop items. In theory, it was there to prevent fraud and cheating that plagued item trading during Diablo 2. However, to guide players toward Auction House, Blizzard dropped the loot rate in Diablo 3 to such an amount that equipping your character became a thankless grind, and the game as was uninteresting to play. The auction house that was a snobbery buy Diablo IV Gold was removed and drop rate were increased in 2014, Diablo 3 instantly became more enjoyable, even before developments of the Reaper of Souls expansion lifted it to the status of a classic.

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